
Monday, March 28, 2011


After surviving my last 'out of my comfort zone' project. It seemed like a good time to keep the creativity going.

Back in Oct., the Fiber Junkie's spent a day learning deconstructive screen printing. You can read about it here.

I came away with some terrific fabric, but really no clue how to integrate it into my work. The material doesn't look 'that' busy....but for someone who has worked pretty much exclusively for the last several years with solid or gently mottled wool felt, the textures really made me think.

Then....recently on our daily morning 90 minute 'forced march' (directed by 'the husband....opting out isn't acceptable), I picked up this evergreen sprig from the roadway.

I wondered if I could reproduce the look using beads. Even though I do not draw......after lots of pencil to paper (along with an eraser), I came up with this sketch.

The main 'branches' were transferred to lightweight paper and machine stitched using a heavy thread. The paper was removed after the main design lines were transferred.

Next, batting was basted beneath the top and secured into a Q-snap frame.....a MUST to keep the background fabric from distorting during the beading process.

So far I'm satisfied with the results and am having fun. I'll keep you posted as this piece proceeds. But.....that won't be for several days. I'm heading off to our 3rd Annual PTA Fiber Art Group retreat for 3 days. Internet and cell service is iffy at our location. I'm sure there will be lots to share......unless it's a case of what happens there, needs to stay there.......

Hey, grab some friends and plan your own retreat......everyone needs at least one each year!!


  1. Your pine is coming along beautifully!!! Check out my piece I did for bjp 2010! I added some seed beads in was fun to work on and mindless for me!

  2. Oh my gosh Robbie.....these two pieces are soooo similar.....scary. I've got a long needle pine branch going too.......yikes....we need to start consulting.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful piece.....

  3. Oh-h-h, it's looking wonderful and I love the way your fabric turned out!

  4. Your pine branch quilt is going to be marvellous! Good idea to use the beads :)

  5. Love the look of the pine bough with that DSP background.

  6. Whoa, Mary! This piece is totally cool-I can't wait to see the finished product!
