
Thursday, February 3, 2011


Besides the love affair I've been having with woolfelt, I've noticed a slight shift in the style of my work.

Rather than the overly embellished, detailed quilts that were my trademark, my leaning now seems to be cleaner, minimalist designs. That doesn't mean my beadwork doesn't have a huge impact. Hoever, I'm doing less and less patchwork and I've reduced the amount of mixed media I incorporate.

I don't know where this is going.....but for's fun to explore a new direction.

Most of us are feeling spring will never come after this harsh winter.....but in an attempt to hurry it along....I did some spring cleaning by organizing some of my beads which had been overflowing from far too few containers.

.......and I came across these beauties..... I pulled some fabric, thread, beads to show them off. I'm anxious to start the design process.......

GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!

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