
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Fiber Junkie member Val, presented this unique journal, 2011 Leaf & Lizard Almanac, to each of us in our group. It was created by her friend Mary can obtain your own journal at:

It's a moon journal, intended to keep one attuned to the natural cycles of the moon and seasons. It's a fun concept, designed to provide the owner permission to personalize the book.....using the scrapbook approach. Click on the photo to enlarge her words.

Val shared her journal with us....and I'm sorry I didn't snap a photo......she included many drawings, photos, and notes as she works her way through her 2010 book.

Asheville is filled with artists of all mediums......sometimes as a quilter, I don't stray far enough from my comfortable world of getting introduced to the work of others is so appreciated.....thank you Val!

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