
Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Okay, I know this isn't much to show or to provide inspiration for you faithful readers.....but life has been filled with so many interruptions over the last 2 months, mostly mundane....keeping me away from what I love to do best....CREATE.

Houses have been on my the hope of an early spring (hope so....everyone here is sick of winter). We've had the itch to build another house for the last two years....though our home is lovely with a great view, it's really too big for us (in the wrong places) and the garage space is too small for 'the husband'. Men need space to tinker....or they invade our spaces!

Like the rest of the country, area homes are not selling quickly and values have dropped to the point that moving may not be realistic. However, our little subdivision is doing really well.....lots have been sold and several new houses are under construction, which bodes well for us. So....the itch has come back.....and perhaps if nothing else....I can scratch it by building this wall quilt.

Since my passion for wool felt hasn't yet been satisfied.....I will again be working with that medium. This is a piece I dyed with the aid of our small Fiber Junkies group last fall. Once fabric has been dyed....I like to put a note on it reminding me of the fiber content (National Nonwovens Woolfelt 80/20)...and when I dyed it....Sept. 2010.

Here's my palette.....I said there wasn't too much to get excited about just now. I'm hoping that the home project 'the husband' is tackling in my studio (for my benefit) will be completed quickly, early this afternoon, so I can get working again. But, you know how those things usually requires 2 separate trips to Lowe's.....and many bad words uttered under one's breath!

I'll keep you posted.....

Is it too soon to say.....GO PACKERS!!!!! Well....I've said it.....

1 comment:

  1. o Mary good for you! - house dreams are the BESTEST kind of dreams - even if the houses never get built.
