
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Demolition Derby in Atlanta

We are over the moon......Aaron Rodgers who has been such a gentleman throughout the whole Brett Farve drama......has finally had his turn as he led the demolition derby in Atlanta....

Of course we aren't gloating.....just thrilled with the 48-21 win. The Falcons are a really good team who clearly had an off day to which we are grateful.

So now we await the result of the Chicago/Seattle game today. As much as we HATE the Bears.....and would love to see the Pack box them in again this year....there's so much history with these two teams, I'd prefer to play Seattle.....esp. since it will be an away game. We'll know later today...

Aaron doing what he does best......making plays happen!

In the early, early morning hours today.....Packer fans were waiting at the Green Bay airport for the return of their team...... AMAZING. I don't know if this practice is still going on......but when I was growing up, living about 45 mins. from Green residents would all put their porch lights on for the players to see as they flew over and back into to Green Bay. Cool!!


So....three cheers for our Green and Gold.....2 post season games down......2 more to go to a Super Bowl win. Say it along with me..........GO PACKERS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I was so happy for you last night Mary! I could just picture you jumping up and down.
