
Sunday, December 26, 2010


THIS IS WINTER IS WORSE THAN THE LAST. The locals said last year....... "It hasn't been this bad in 30 years"......well this year they are all saying it hasn't been this bad in 45+ years. This is our thred big storm in December...and winter has just begun. Oh goodie...what comes next?!?

Actually.....we were spared some of it because we were away on a little jaunt to Nashville, TN to attend the famous Grand Ole' Opry at the historic Ryman Theater on Christmas Eve. In a word....FABULOUS!

Our drive home was delayed by a day due to this far reaching winter have heard about it I take??

We headed out this morning.....quite nervous about what kind of road conditions we'd find traveling through the mountain gorge between Tennessee and North Carolina. Thankfully, 'the husband' is an excellent driver and we crawled along about 20 miles an hour through that 30-40 mile stretch of road.

My photo may not show it......but it's snowing horizontally.......

We got home, safe and sound......and it looks like just in time. More snow is falling fast and furious...... we can now barely see across the street. Weather predictions expect another 4+ inches added to what looks like about 12" already.

I sound like a broken record....but really....we didn't sign up for this!! The good news is.....we are home, warm, plenty of food, and I need to sign off now. But first....let me say.....I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

My final parting words today........ GO PACKERS....... we will have a play off spot if they win these next two games....fingers and toes crossed......

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