
Thursday, July 15, 2010


Okay, I get what I deserve....actually EXPECTING an airline to do their job.....seriously, I hoped we'd have fun following my travel today.....but NO.....

These bread crumbs barely got off the ground in Asheville....where my flight was almost an hour late.......I barely made my 1st connection.....

BUT....I made it and was relieved to be happily settled into my VERY deluxe seats (wait till I post the photos)........BUT that won't happen till I get my luggage with all my camera cords (whenever it turns up).

Does that flight leave on time?? NOPE......we sat on the ground for 2 1/2 hrs.......for really no reason....just total incompetence with the airlines. This was NOT a weather problem. You guessed it.....this is all leading to......

I then missed the connection of my 3rd flight of the day.....bread crumbs (or photo hints) have been documented....and when I eventually get my luggage...I will share them. So now I this unnamed city.....where the airline thought they were doing me a favor by re-booking me on the 6:00 AM flight tomorrow morning to San Francisco and then on other flight to my destintation........ 24 hours later than my original arrival time. Silly fools actually thought I'd be happy with these arrangments AND pay for my own hotel room OR.....stay in the airport overnight!!! With as much grace and patience in the airline club that I could muster....low and behold....there was actually 'just' a cancellation on a flight from the city where I am now stranded to my destination. Yes, it's 6 hrs. later than the one I was booked much as I dislike coach travel.......which was the only seat available, I am now hoping to at least arrive today. Will my baggage be there??? Well, I sure hope that a 6 hr. layover will give them adequate time to make the transfer.....but then again...they may decide to wait till tomorrow.....

I'm ranting..........tx's for being there for me...... I feel better...though you may never want to fly again!!!


  1. Oh my gosh...I feel for you!! Hope you and your luggage get back soon!!! Nothing is more frustrating when things are out of our control!! Hang in there!

  2. I can see why you're reducing your schedule this year! Flying's not fun anymore.

    Thanks for your post on my blog, Mary. I hear you're about to teach at the Cherokee Rose Q.G. in Georgia. Lovely group. If you're looking for food outlets, find them near your hotel because Lithia Springs is small and only has a BK.
