
Saturday, July 10, 2010


Due to a super busy travel teaching schedule, while living in the Chicago area and SW Wisconsin, my connection with local quilters for years and years was few and far between.

After moving to NC 4 years ago, I was determined not to isolate myself as much.... Happily, several of my fellow national teachers live here and through their introduction, I was welcomed into PTA, a wonderful fiber group of 12.

This month we met at Georgia Bonesteel's home.....and honestly you'd think it had been months since we'd all seen it other.....not just weeks! Yack, yack, yack......such fun!

Dort Lee brought several quilts to show....these are small pieces......probably about 9" x 12". She's an amazing artist and can draw so well....I love her pictorial quilts! Last month when we were at my house, we did a little 'garage sale exchange' of things we no longer needed..... Dort got these wooden fish buttons from me. Why didn't I think of this clever way to highlight them??

Dort lives on a 'very off the traveled road' piece of property. I can visualize this tractor hidden among all the foliage somewhere in her valley. She will be participating in the Leicester Artist's Studio Tour in August. I'll get more specific details and post it soon for you locals to check out.

Here's another of Dort's pieces.....all are for sale.... If you've fallen in love with one, contact me and I'll put you in touch with her.

Show and tell comes in many we've literally taken a shoe off Barbara's feet as we all drooled over her new find. Adorable, aren't they??

Mary B. brought a fabulous piece of African fabric her daughter brought back for her from a recent visit to that country. I can't wait to see what she does with it.

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