
Sunday, July 18, 2010


Without a doubt, if the 'perfect child' would have remained living in Portland......I'm guessing 'the husband' and I would have found our way out West instead of to North Carolina. My brother and family have enjoyed living in the Eugene area now for close to 30 years and they love it as much as ever.

They are very active folks and great hosts......which has provided me with the opportunity to see a lot of the area.

Here's a view of the valley from one of the high bluffs....the "O" is of course their University Stadium....and far off in the distance you can see 2 of the 3 snow covered mountain tops of the 3 Sisters Mountain Range.

One of the two rivers that run through Eugene is the Willamette, a major tributary of the Columbia. It's an unusual river because it flows north, between the Oregon Coast Range and the Cascade Range....running 187 miles lying entirely in Northwest Oregon.

The folks here all seem to enjoy outdoor activities. On both sides of the Willamette River, you can find well maintained bike/walking paths. The river is very clean and is a source of enjoyment for much recreation......such as floating in inner tubes on a hot summer day.

My niece Amy seems to have grown up over night, she's almost as tall as her youngest brother. For you Mom's out there.....sorry, she's already taken!

Amy is the creative one in her family.......while munching on pretzels and ranch dip......she created this clever 'food art'.

Years and years ago I was here visiting.....none of us can recall how old Amy was at the time....I'm guessing maybe 8. She was always drawing......and before I left she gave me several of her pieces of art work. Upon returning home, I turned one simple line drawing into a a small wall quilt. My SIL uncovered it recently, surprising me with this great memory......we all promptly decided to hang it in their newly decorated guest room where the colors compliment the scheme beautifully.

This certainly makes me long for grand babies.....I could start a whole new art career......

I'll be saying farewell to the Emerald City before the crack o'dawn tomorrow to begin my 3 flight 15 1/2 hour travel day back home.......with a whole new batch of memories.

1 comment:

  1. Better luck on the traveling schedule this time Mary!
