
Thursday, May 20, 2010


I admit to being a hotel snob.........the lowest accommodations on the hotel food chain that I can endure is a Hampton feet would never cross the threshold of a Motel 6. Seriously!!

I understand guilds don't have unlimited funds so I can't expect to be housed at the Four Seasons! However, no matter where I'm staying......I still have some requirements and preferences which has led me to perform a check list before I get settled in. me crazy.

Besides being in a safe area, the hotel MUST have inside entrance to the room. Of course it needs to have a presentable lobby. Hallways should be well lighted and's even better when the carpet has a great design.

MUST be non-smoking room.

Yippie......I do a happy dance when I get upgraded as I did on my Texas trip. I was thrilled with the Hampton Inn's wonderful King suite which had lots of room to spread out all my suitcases and STUFF.

A KING bed......all to myself where I'm in control of the remote....which I make sure is working before I crawl into bed. (Heck, before I unpack!)

Fool me once but not twice.....another thing on my check list is making sure the hairdryer works.

And because I prefer to use my own alarm clock......I check that the clock isn't set to a rock station which will blare at 3:00 AM!

That there's a shower curtain (yes, that happens). Also, that the toilet tank isn't running....because seriously, I'll hear it all night.....and wouldn't sleep a wink. (Sleep evades me too much the way it is.)

And that there's more than 1 towel!

AND.....that I have the internet code....

So.....the next time you check into a your own check list......other helpful items to check......does the heat/air conditioning work, is the room far enough away from the elevator and ice machines to avoid racket all night, that the light bulbs are in working order.....

Ya, I know.......maybe 'the husband' is right.....I can be a control freak at times......


  1. I don't blame you one single bit, cool carpet

    I've seen several shows on hotel rooms. So how clean is the room really ...


  2. Mary the Grove here in Ashville meets all your minimums...and a lot more I think. Nice place. Nice talking to you on the plane. BOB
