
Saturday, January 30, 2010


We are back at the annual Rolex 24 hour race in Daytona Beach, FL. Not quite as warm or sunny as we'd hoped, but considering what's going on in NC with the HUGE snow and ice storm....I'd say we dodged another bullet. (We were away during the last big storm too.) I feel sorry for our house sitter....stranded but hopefully still with power.

This is pretty much a rich man's sport.....can't even describe what goes into having a car in this race......and I'm in a hurry....we slept later than we wanted to this morning, so I'm quickly trying to get this posted. Hotel internet was not working properly last night....probably too many people trying to use it.

Vintage, priceless cars are on display everywhere....

Not the kind of comfort we expect in our cars!!

The new Porsche Panamera.......price tag over $1000,000. First sedan they've ever made.

I guess this is supposed to make you part with your money....the famous race car driver Hurly Haywood personally test drove this car.

I like to look for interesting designs as we wander around......most of what I see in the open garages where teams work on their cars is uncomprehensible to me.....but my eye was caught by this tire.

One gargage has a sewing service to repair the drivers (tight on their small tight bodies) suits.....

See, even at a race track I can find familiar things - a sewing machine and an ott light. This gal stitched some patches on Patrick Dempsy's suit (yes, I'm talking about Dr. McDreamy)...he gave her the hat she's wearing....he drives a Mazda. Tried to get a photo of his car driving the 1st race yesterday but my camera isn't fast enough. 'The husband' took a super good photo of him last year....if I can't get another one today I'll dig that out of the archives for all of us to drool over.

Gotta run......ignore any typos or spelling errors.....'the husband' is literally pulling me out of the room....we are late....


  1. Worry we don't have better weather for you here in FL.
    Since we are less than 70 miles away we are probably both experiencing the same weather.

  2. Although I have absolutely no interst in racing, I would love being there instead of snowbound in NC. Enjoy for me, too.
