
Sunday, January 3, 2010


We've heard about the Grove Park Inn located in Asheville, NC since we moved here 3 1/2 years's on everyone's must see/experience list. We can now say we've been there.

This historic hotel features a lobby called the Great Hall, measuring 120 foot across, 24 ft. ceilings, and two 14 ft. fireplaces. It took 400 men twelve months to build it from granite boulders off Sunset Mountain in 1913. It was the vision of E.W. Grove, of St. Louis, MO, who made millions selling his exlixir, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic.

This is the view of the highly rated 'Spa'.......where you can spend $625 on the 4 hour Blue Ridge Bliss Package!!

Each Christmas the Grove Park Inn is host to a gingerbread house competition. It's on display for most of Nov. and Dec. The detail incorporated into these creations is simply jaw dropping.

Of course only edible materials can be wood, cardboard etc. to assist in the foundation work!

Aren't these leaves and pine cones wonderful?

And these.....

This was one of my favorites. Photos were difficult to obtain because the houses were behind Plexiglas, not to mention the crowds gathered around each!


So.....this perhaps explains why I haven't any quilt projects to share.......we've been way too busy socializing this past month. However, I did sneak in some time yesterday in the studio and hope to share something soon. Thanks for visiting with me......

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