
Monday, November 16, 2009


After 5 days with the Rio Grande Valley was time to say goodbye. We had a lovely luncheon at Queen Anne's Lace Tea Room in Mercedes, TX. This charming half restaurant/half antique store was filled to the brim with everything from vintage hats, china, eye glasses, furniture, lamps....honestly the selection went on and on. AND....the food was good too!

This is one of the several dining areas located throughout this old home.

Many of us remarked at how much the china reminded us of our grandmothers.

The owners showcase the merchandise so effectively with their creative displays.

The bathroom door handle was embellished with this slipper!

This is a view of the bathroom.......and yes, that's a wedding dress.....

Carol Hover was my host one evening......a dedicated quilter with energy to spare. I admired the necklace she'd made from buttons, decorated with stone chips......after lunch she touched my heart by taking it off and giving it to me! We all know quilters are generous and I am so grateful....thank you again Carol.

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