
Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Thank you everyone for your caring notes of support.......'the husband' got his GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD yesterday!

He's still on some minor restrictions.....nothing he (or I) can't live with..... We are thankful that the retina is healing nicely and hopefully for fully restored vision.....

Obviously.....there will be no stitching today....he wants OUT of the house...... I hope to get back to the small new project I've begun, working with the new Exotic Bamboo felt. A review of this 'improved' fabric to come soon.


  1. That's great news about The Husband's progress. Scary stuff. John had cataract and something else and almost doesn't need glasses at all now! This for a fellow who wore glasses almost out of the womb! Hope you've had no more misadventures on the darned mowing machine!

  2. Whew. I know that both of you are relieved. You are both out of jail!
