
Sunday, August 16, 2009


Continuing my journey.....Sheboygan, WI (my hometown) is my last stop before heading back to Western North Carolina. If it weren't for high Wisconsin taxes (especially the property taxes in this town) plus the cold winters......we'd have opted for this area rather than NC.

But like everything in life...there are pros and cons.....

My brother and his family still live in Sheboygan....... he was the one who recommended this restaurant. My picture doesn't quite give the true feel of the outside, which really looks like an old diner.

As I walked in the door, I was not only greeted by Elvis....but a Ricky Nelson tune on the jukebox. Many of you may be aware.....I'm a huge Ricky Nelson fact....I'll admit to using the Ricky Nelson cuteness factor as my thumbs up standard for guys.

Harry (in the hat) dresses the part of a 50's diner owner. We were amused after chatting with him to realize he's Greek.....yet he sure knows how to serve great American feel good food. We've managed to have a meal there once a day so far.

It's like stepping back in time.....even the waitresses dress the part with their poodle felt skirts and shirt dresses......

One reason for our yearly midwest trip is to attend the car races at Road America in Elkhart Lake, WI which is only a short distance from Sheboygan. Although I'm not the dedicated fan that 'the husband' is.....I enjoy the beautiful surroundings of this road track. It was carved out of 525 acres of farmland in 1955 with a 4.048 mile track, featuring 14 challenging turns. Here cars are lined up waiting for the start of their particular race. It was a hot day.....I really felt sorry for the drivers wearing all their protective gear, crammed into their small cars.

Spectators can now camp in numerous areas around the track.....both in motor homes and tents. Again, being a true quilter, I can spot a quilt anywhere! I giggled when I noticed this firewood bag because it was not in the fancy motor home camping was in the section seen in the following photo.

One of the things we really miss about Wisconsin is the cleanliness......look at this....not a scrap of paper, can, bottle....nothing. I could have taken this photo anywhere in this state and it would look the same. Sadly, the folks in our area of North Carolina could take a lesson. I am shocked, disgusted, and dismayed at the amount of filthy litter along every's beyond my comprehension how folks can do that and why the officials tolerate it. Sorry for the rant....but it's something that really bothers us about our new environment and though we police our development, we are powerless to make an impact elsewhere.....

If I stayed here any longer, I wouldn't be able to zip my pants.....the food is yummy. Brats are THE local cuisine and I'm bringing back at least 6 dozen in a large cooler....along with Wisconsin cheese. We have favorite food stands at the race track......this one features a Walking Taco and Brat on a Stick. When I lived in Wisconsin it was perfectly normal to have a brat no less than twice a week....they are eaten at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.....and of course as snacks.

I'm really sharing my personal preferences in this go ahead and roll your eyes!!! Here's another: Anyone who knows me well, knows I'm a hotel snob. Sheboygan, for as nice as it is, never had what I'd call a decent hotel. Now it does and I was in heaven last night in a suite with two flat screen TV's which could be viewed from the bedroom area. We were happy campers, reclining on our huge bed watching the first pre-season Packer football game. AND......they kicked butt.......a perfect ending to a perfect day.

As we wind up our Midwest visit tonight......we dined outdoors at a local fish shanty on a canal that leads to Lake Michigan. Dark clouds loomed in the East over the lake while the sun shone on the newly built condos and the ever present sea gulls.

So....I hope I can still stuff myself into my jeans tomorrow morning when I head back to the mountains..... Thanks for allowing me to share my travels with you. I not only get to enjoy them as they happen, but all over again as I write my posts.....(privately wondering who wants to read this stuff anyway?!?)


  1. Love reading this stuff. Did you have any wonderful Cedar Crest ice cream while you were in WI? It is the best. It is made in my hometown, Manitowoc, which is almost next door to Sheboygan. Sally, now of Walnut Creek, CA

  2. Mary answers Sally......instead of Cedar Crest ice cream....I od'd on Culvers Chocolate Concrete Malts.....

    I spent many, many of happy hours at Timber Lodge in Manitowoc where on Fri. & Sat. nights they had live bands......

  3. Mary answers Sally......instead of Cedar Crest ice cream....I od'd on Culvers Chocolate Concrete Malts.....

    I spent many, many of happy hours at Timber Lodge in Manitowoc where on Fri. & Sat. nights they had live bands......

  4. Thanks for the trip......back home.....for me.
    We moved for the very same reasons!
    But miss the beautiful state for some of those SAME reasons--what a shame it has to be that way!
    Loved the trip to Wash Island area too. WE miss going up there now that we have moved.
    Ohhh do we miss the ice cream custard at Adrian's in Burlington WI. #1 at the state fair for many years. 2nd choice of course is any Culver's Custard Restaurant. Thanks agin Mary.
    Paulette in VA.

  5. I noticed there was racing at Road America this weekend and wondered if you were there. I can attest to how fun it is to camp - even tent camp - at the race track and yes, everything is so clean and the track food too too good.

    Didn't know that Sheboygan was your home town - we stayed in a motel there one year when we went to the motorcycle races. Wished that we'd had more time to explore the town and yes, we too would have loved to live in that corner of the state if only there had been a job for the ol' husband.
