
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Meet Carol Sloan

Several friends and I have joined together to share our love of anything fiber with a new group we've named Fiber Junkies.

At our first gathering, we learned about Color Wash spray which I shared in my last two posts. Carol Sloan is another talented member of our group.......she too lives to experiment with all sorts of media.

One of her talents is creative bookmaking..... I love the rusted gauze incorporated with this painted dove.

Carol brought numerous drawings to share with us.......she calls many of them 'doodles'.....gosh my doodles don't look like this! She swears she can teach anyone to draw and teaches classes in the area.
Here's another of her charming painted drawings. Remember her name....I predict you'll be hearing it often.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the shout out Mary! I had a blast meeting with all of you. This is going to be a wonderful group - we all bring a lot of different things to the table, don't we?
