
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Frugal Design Home

Our small fiber group (PTA) participated in the the Frugal Design Home which is a community based project whose funds support several non-profit groups. A select home is furnished/decorated soley from items obtained from thrift and resale stores, or other donations. Tickets for a tour of the home are available for a 3 day period where all the contents are sold. Some items created by local artists are auctioned, others are priced and the profits all go to a good cause. This brand new home is located in a new subdivision in Hendersonville.

When our group of 9 arrived about 1:00 PM on the first day, I'm guessing that 60% of the items had already been purchased and boy where there bargains. Most items must stay in the home until the end of the open house for obvious reasons.....I was blown away by the quality of the items displayed....not to mention the low, low prices assigned! I wonder why I never see things like this when I go to thrift stores!! Guess I'm not shopping in the right places.....

Speared headed by member Georgia Bonesteel, our group created this denim quilt....made from thrift store blue jeans and bandannas donated by a local Hendersonville store. There was already a good bid for the piece. I know I blogged about the making of the quilt.....but darn if I could find it when I looked just now. I've been having some computer issues after downloading the newest Safari I decided to get this posted while I actually was able to log onto Blogger.

A local artist painted this small too was part of the auction pieces. I apologize for not knowing the artists an effort to not be wasteful, I recycled the booklet I was given when I departed so they could pass it along to someone else......I should have retained it to acknowledge this lovely work.

We all thought this was so clever....turning bird cages into tables by adding glass tops!!

More photos tomorrow......I'm heading to my workspace to get some stitching done.....

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