
Friday, June 5, 2009


I'm delighted to share some good news...... AAQI - Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative, a grass roots organization raising awareness & funding through art, has awarded it's first research grant of $10,000.  It went to the University of Pittsburg for a study on brain cholesterol and how it may affect Alzheimer's.  It was given in honor of Bebe Moss, the mother of founder Ami Simms.

Please consider supporting this worthy cause by bidding on one of June's 2009 Silent Auction quilts. Remember, all the profits go directly towards research.  Since January 2006, we have raised more than $290,000!

Thank you to all who have participated in any manner.  I've personally pledged to raise $1,000.....despite trying now for over 30 mins. I can't get the photos of my recent donation quilts to upload.....I'll try to share it with you at a later date......  

Now, go and check out this hard working organization by clicking on the link above.

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