
Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Many quilters love to knit.....and I've been toying with the idea of attempting a sweater.  I have only a vague memory of how to load a needle (oh, wait a minute.....I think that's called 'casting on'??).....but think I can recall the knit and perl (or is it pearl??)  stitch.

My friend Marilyn realized she was going to run out of the yarn she was using for a lovely knitted sweater/wrap.  This of course required a shopping event at Fiberwood Studio in Milwaukee, WI. 

I sure wish I had this shop close to me......the owner was incredibly helpful......and the store was delicious.  We were luckily enough to be visiting at the conclusion of her shop challenge.

Here you can see a photo of the different yarns each person received on pink paper flowers. Displayed next to them are the completed projects.  I was awestruck!

Perhaps I'll have to go out and get myself some knitting needles again!

1 comment:

  1. If you take up knitting, you had better come visit me at my shop! It is getting close to being open. IKEA delivered 26 pieces of furniture yesterday, and by this evening 17 were assembled already, thanks to some great friends. You can keep up with the action in the shop at my blog. Watch out - knitting made me end up with an unused sewing room full of fabric. (I'll use it up some day, I'm sure.)
