
Friday, May 15, 2009


One of the biggest bonuses my mini career has provided is the friends I've met all over the world.  Two long time pals, Jan & Marilyn who live in Wisconsin, have traveled with me many, many times on my cruises and tours.

It's been ages since we had the chance to spend time together so this trip to the Milwaukee area gave us the opportunity.  Today we spent bumming around.  Marilyn took us to visit this unique home on the North side of Milwaukee, along Lake Michigan.  It's on the historic registry.....unfortunately, it's not open to the public.  I had to stick my hand through an opening in the chain link fence to get this photo.......and ya gotta ask yourself why would anyone decorate their property like this.

There was no way to get a better photo of what looked like a fence of cement was both amusing and disturbing!

Next we headed to the charming town of Cedarburg.  Our first stop was the Ye Olde Schoolhouse, one of the best quilt shops I've ever seen.  Obviously, as the name's located in an old schoolhouse.  The fabrics and style of quilts featured are what I began making when I first picked up a quilting needle and someday when I retire, these are the type of quilts I'll go back to making.

I could have wandered around for hours and still not have had time to take in all the clever ways the owner used to display their samples and products.  This shop is crammed with fantastic fabrics, samples, patterns, & notions......

Antique book cases were used to store small size bolts which were the ends of larger bolts.....what a clever idea.


Just one of the many, many tasteful and creative displays.  If you are ever in the area......don't miss this shop!