
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


My travel day went very smoothly yesterday, despite a very close connection in Charlotte between my two small commuter flights......I arrived in Greenville, NC on time.

And to my surprise....the plane drove up to what appeared to be a small parking lot......none of the typical trappings of markings on the tarmac, no luggage carts anywhere,.....however there was a small covered walkway which apparently is used during inclement weather.  I entered a tiny lobby which contained a single baggage track.  And ah, ha....within bags were there!!  So....maybe big isn't better.

The small lobby featured  a lovely vertical waterfall and a few comfortable chairs......perhaps soothing environment is necessary when passengers and their bags aren't matched up immediately.

My hostess Gretchen drove me to Washington, NC where I'll be teaching 'Beading Basics & Beyond' today.  The town is charming......lots of huge old homes - dare I even say mansions.....dotted the streets along the water front.  This area attracts many retirees for its great fishing.

Funky and highly decorated 'crabs' can be seen all over the downtown area thanks to a program begun by the Garden Club.

The downtown had the feeling of walking back in time.....and hey.....look who asked me to dance!  (just kidding....this was a plaster statue.....but doesn't it look real??)

What did I say about walking back in time???  This is the marquee on an old movie theater, turned art center.  Some of you may not know John Beluche (sp??) or the Kingston Trio.....what can I just had to be there.....

After class today....I'm heading over to New Bern.....and am anxious to get acquainted with another part of this lovely area......the roads here are pretty straight and flat....I thought I was back in the midwest!  

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