
Thursday, April 9, 2009


The 2nd Thursday of the month is reserved for PTA meetings.  PTA is the small fiber group I'm lucky enough to belong to.  We enjoy sewing together & visiting exhibits, but mostly we love to gather for lunch and chatter.

Our members are spread out in many far flung communities.....two even come from as far away as Greenville, SC.  Today we drove to Cathy's area of the mountains....Weaverville.  Lunch being a priority, Cathy made reservations at The Sunshine Cafe (yikes....I hope I got the name right)......the restaurant was charming and the food was excellent.

Loved the original tin ceiling!

Next we headed over to peek at the Secret Garden Spa.....the grounds were lovely....many peaceful gardens.  Linda Cantrell saw this darling kids trike.......and decided to try it out.  I WISH I could have gotten a photo when she tried to get off of it.  We literally had to tip her over and pull her out.  I was actually impressed with her agility as she unwound her body from the seat and front handles.....esp. given that she's had hip replacements.  We had thoughts of having to steal the trike, with Linda on it, to get her home!

Our enthusiastic group can be sort of loud so it was very difficult being quiet when we toured the actual spa facility.  Lovely quiet serene place but I'd be a bowl of jello in this environment after about 15 mins.

The sound of flowing water sets the scene for another tranquil outdoor area....complete with some really big Koi.

This unusual driveway caught our eyes, reminding us of a quilt pattern.  Hey...... we try to tell ourselves that we gather to get inspirations for our work, not to just eat!

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