
Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'll get back to quilt related posts soon....really, I will.  But, I thought this was helpful to pass along......thanks Connie for sharing this info.....

Cell phone numbers go PUBLIC next month.......ALL cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start receiving sales calls.  **In fact, both 'the husband' and I already have been getting calls and wondered how they got our numbers!

Remember, you will be charged for these calls, even if the message is saved to voice mail and you listen to it.

Call the National DO NOT CALL list at: block your phone number for 5 years.  You must call from the number you wish to block.  This number is not just for cell phones, if you haven't already blocked your home number, do that too.

At the end of the automated announcement tells you what and how you can report companies who do not comply.

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