
Thursday, March 19, 2009


One of the many pleasures I've experienced over the nearly 20 years of travel teaching is the opportunity to get acquainted with so many talented and fun quilters.

I met Judy Kriehn during a visit to the Dallas Quilt Guild.  She held the job of program chair and took wonderful care of this road weary instructor!

She emailed me these photos of her two latest quilts which were on display at the recent Dallas Quilt Show......which has a super reputation for quality competition quilts.

Judy graciously allowed me to share them on my blog.......Tx's Judy.....I know all my faithful readers will love seeing your work!


This wall quilt earned a ribbon!!  Judy clearly knows how to make her sewing machine stand up, walk across the floor, and take a bow!!

1 comment:

  1. The people you meet and the connections you make are the greatest part of travel teaching.
    They almost make you forget the endless hours preparing for the trip, the delayed planes, misplaced luggage, etc.
    We are indeed fortunate to have quilting as our passion.
