
Sunday, March 22, 2009


Today I'm hauling out the travel weary suitcases to begin what usually is a full day process of packing just the teaching materials/samples/handouts etc. for a road trip.

I'm heading to the Lighthouse Quilters Guild in Racine, WI later this week.  I've been looking forward to coming back to my home state and am keeping my fingers crossed for spring weather.

In addition to a lecture on Monday evening, I'll be teaching two workshops (next Sunday and Monday).   I understand there is still some room in both so don't hesitate to contact me or Lighthouse Quilters if you'd like more info about how to sign up.

Monday's class will be Bead Embellished Wool Collage projects......everything you need to know to work with this great make fun and quick pieces.  Here's an example of a wall quilt with a style similar to Penny Rugs.

This small wall quilt has a decidedly more contemporary look.  It's created by 'bead appliqueing' strips of felted wool and buttons to a whole cloth felted wool background.

This sample is also wool, but also features one of the many beaded edging techniques I like to use on my pieces.  Students will learn a large variety of beaded edging and trim methods during the afternoon portion of Sunday's class.

This netted edging technique is stitched to the fold of the binding.

Sunday morning students begin their beading lesson by learning basic bead techniques.....such as continuous line single bead backstitch, quick curves, picot, and learning how to attach large beads to fabric surfaces.

If you are in the area and have the time.....I'd love to see you there.

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time in your former home state and the city I grew up in Mary. You're going to find a really great guild and group of people. You may remember I did a class and lecture there in September. Please say Hi to everyone for me. I know you're going to love it there.
    Doesn't sound like you'll get there in tiem Saturday to see the last day of my show in Kenosha. Wixh you could see it.
