
Friday, March 27, 2009


Cheesehead I come......  I'm off to Racine, WI.......home of the famous Kringle.  The husband has already requested that I bring one back in my suitcase.

I had a bunch of photos to share with you of our small group's production sewing day at Georgia Bonesteel's home today....but DRAT.....I packed all my camera cords in my carry on bag....which is already stowed in our car so I can't download them to my computer.  It's quite a distance from our mountain top to the Asheville airport for my morning to avoid getting up even earlier I finished packing tonight.

The weather predictions for here and Wisconsin are not favorable......but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the travel gods will be kind to me tomorrow.......will report soon.....or listen for my pitiful wimpering if I get delayed.


  1. The snow isn't supposed to start until later in the day tomorrow so you'll probably get there. Getting home may be the problem, but hey you'll be in your home state so that's not a problem, right?

  2. Oh those Racine Kringles -- too yummy! I brought one home in my suitcase after I did Ann Fahl's DVD. Still drooling at the thought of those! So NOT slimming!! Have a good time! Cheers! J

  3. One kringle is never enough!
    Take it from this Racine native.
    Enjoy your trip. This is such a great guild with wonderful people that I'm sure you will.

  4. Dearest cheesehead,
    (said with love)
    A very lovely outfit!
    Did anyone tell you your link to the Kringles goes to a "Kingle" company? All anyone needs to do is add an "r" to the name and then the yummy Kringles come up.
    How come I never heard of those before (I'm 1/4 Danish). Maybe they are unique to settlers in Racine?
    Take care in your travels.
    Vicky F (Michigan)

  5. Thank you Vicky the correction.....I'm still trying to twist some arms to get someone to fetch a kringle for me to take home on Tues. Cheeseheads are good folks.....I'm sure I won't have to ask twice tomorrow.....
