
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

SNOW # 8

My midwest friends and family aren't going to have any sympathy with me....but geesh.....we are having our 8th snow.  Winter storm warnings have been broadcasted since late Sunday night, with an expected 3-5 inches here.

It started yesterday around noon......most of it melted as it hit the ground.  This photo was taken at 4:30 PM and it snowed all night.  As of now (8:30 AM) the snow coming down looks about the same intensity, yet thankfully, there appears to only be about 2" accumulation. Where did it go?  It's a very dry snow....if that makes sense.....mountain weather is very puzzling to me.

Even our lovely water feature at the entrance was frozen!  This is NOT the south I was promised.....however, it is a pretty picture.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE PERFECT CHILD!!!  You have enriched our lives....we love you!

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