
Saturday, January 24, 2009


My interest differs from 'the husband's' as far as what's interesting here at the Rolex 24 hour race.  He follows lap times, whose leading in the each category, which driver is behind the wheel......(there are usually 4 drivers for each car).

I find it much more interesting to watch the drivers maneuver in and out of the cars.....amazing bodies.....if not a bit puny....  (This photo is of a driver practicing.....yes, they really do practice.)

This crew is getting ready to practice switching drivers (which usually means switching their seat forms too.)  Some have better butts than others....but basically, they all look pretty darn cute in their tight driver's suits.

Instead of bolts of fabric.....the inventory here is racks of tires.

And if one gets really can always take a different sort of ride.  This small carnival is right next to the Porsche Paddock where we you can see, it's not full at all.  This was taken on - Sat. it was full.......probably 300+ Porsches.

I'm always impressed with the massive number of safety equipment at these events......hopefully, none will be needed.

My cold is worse so I'll end my report tonight by saying........just wait till you see what I have to share tomorrow........I was nearly kissing distance from someone you will all know and perhaps have panted over.......stay tuned....


  1. Mary, you're a hoot! I'm not whatsoever interested in cars or races, but your comments are always worth a visit.

  2. Gotta love those tight suits...and my husband wonders why I travel around to baseball games with him while he find inspiration in everything, now don't we?
    (are you sure you don't need antibiotics? How long have you been feeling poorly...McNurse on the job here...)
