
Sunday, December 7, 2008


I'm reporting in......we sampled our meat purchase for dinner last night.  Rather than having steak, the husband decided to brine the pork ribs and BBQ them in our Big Green Egg outdoor grill instead.

All I can say is I hope the steak is better......we might as well have eaten this boot!  The meat (what there was of it) was dry, tough, tough, tough.  We are now trying to remember which restaurants this meat processor serves to avoid ordering the ribs!

I've spoken about my long time teacher pal Judy Simmons, who lives nearby.  Her work is always so creative and top notch, the kind of sophisticated designs I wish I could do!  Her brand new website is now live......check it out.


  1. I'm so sorry. It might have been tastier in a crock pot.

    We get our meat from a friend who raises Murray Grey's. In fact, we just purchased 187.5 lb. of top grade beef ... love their meat. That was only 1/4 of a side of beef. I've never been to the packing plant ... I send my SIL to pick it up. I don't want to know.

  2. I am so sorry about the meat Mary. I wondered about when I saw your posting about it. We tried something simular long ago with simular results.

  3. I had to show my husband your "meat adventure" post; he, too, found it very amusing and reminded me that these same people (driving that meat truck with the cows on it) have appeared at our home in Weaverville a couple of times, saying that they "had some extra meat and would we care to buy some?" I mean, come on, what the heck is extra meat?!!! He's a fast thinker and got rid of them both times by saying we were vegetarians!

  4. My new husband Tom, shortly after moving here to Hendersonville from Maryland, got suckered into buying $200 worth of meat from one of those trucks that goes door to door. I disposed of most of it, discretely, but every now and then I catch Tom putting one of the "driveway steaks" into a stew. Grounds, I think, but I button up and just let him eat it. Sure would like to know of a good place to get meat that's been raised in a healthy environment.
