
Monday, December 29, 2008


Holiday fun in San Francisco continues.......

We trekked to downtown San Francisco basically playing tourist.....seeing the sites.  Christmas trees are so frequently decorated with white lights, this huge tree was covered with all tiny red ones.....stunning!

Within the plaza of the Bank of America building there is a 200 ton black Swedish sculpture "Transcendence" by Masayuki Nagare.  Interestingly, locally it's known as "Banker's Heart".  
The company our son works for has offices on two entire floors of this well known impressive building with million dollar views.

The day was sunny and bright.....not typical of San Francisco so we really were lucky to see the Golden Gate Bridge so clearly.

In the opposite direction, there's a view of the East Bay Bridge.

And yet another famous San Francisco icon......Alcatraz!  Can you image working in an environment where all the outside walls are glass, overlooking this picture perfect city? How can anything get accomplished?

Stay tuned for more CA fun.....


  1. I haven't seen or been in SanFran since 1964. I crossed the ocean from Japan to return home for college.

    By the way be sure and watch out for the "Charmed Ones" .... they live in SanFran. LOL

  2. I always wondered that about San Fran. The vistas are so fantastic, how do you focus on work? Truly a wonderful place to visit, let alone live. So much inspiration for not only artists but all persuasions. Thanks for sharing your life! And I recommend the movie "Milk " for some insight about SF.

  3. Sounds like you're having a wonderful visit Mary. I went to San Fran when I was working as a Clinical Research Coordinator and loved it! Great pictures btw. Be safe! Happy New Year!
