
Monday, December 1, 2008


Yes, of course I know there is a good football team in the state of NC that I can cheer for....but guess what?  My heart just isn't in it.  So.....sadly we watched Carolina beat the Packers in the last waning moments of the game, as the snow started to blow over Lambeau Field yesterday afternoon.  Sigh....

Then.....we wake up this morning and I begin to wonder yet again.....why did we move?  Hummmm....this is our 5th snow of the year and it's just Dec. 1st.  Averages are supposed to be 6 snowfalls.....were we tricked?

The good news is the sky is now blue and temperatures will reach the mid 40's, so hopefully this pretty scene will be remembered but soon gone.  I must confess, doing our daily 'forced march' up the steep mountain road is dicey when there is snow because generally that means there is ice beneath it....going down is tricky too.  But I made it...which allowed me to indulge in 3 cookies that I just baked for a fiber arts holiday meeting that I'm attending tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your team, Mary. My new college team got stomped on Saturday (GA vs. GT). You have the most amazing view in NC, but if you get cold come to Athens. We're usually 9 degrees warmer here, but your mountains are worth the cold it!
