
Monday, December 22, 2008


I'm a good finisher of my quilt projects.  It's rare when I don't.  This one is an exception.....but now that I dug it out, I will tackle the quilting and finishing details.

I made it as an example for my beading workshops...basically to illustrate the impact of adding thoughtful beadwork techniques.  The process of incorporating beads took the naked tree motif from with pizzazz!

In the full view on the left - detail right, beading has been completed on the left edge of the 'Christmas tree'.  The motif was fused to a mottled blue wholecloth background, surrounded by red flat piping and bordered with a green plaid homespun.  The white stitches is the basting which secures the quilt top to Hobb's Thermore Batting, which acts as a stabilizer to help support the weight of the beads.

In this detail, the beadwork has been completed.  Orange bead units (2 small seeds and 1 larger one) have been scattered stitched onto the tree and individual snow flake motifs were beaded and then sewn to the tree as well.  I almost succumbed to the common practice of stringing beads in a row to represent garland....but heck, that has probably been done a thousand times. With a little experimenting, I created the snow flake bead motifs instead.  To achieve more interesting results for your projects, I urge you to think creatively when selecting beadwork techniques.

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