
Saturday, December 13, 2008


I realize my daily 'forced marches' which are "encouraged" by the husband are good for I happy about our twice daily walks??  Nah....  Do I whine?  Yup, sometimes.

Lately we've been accompanied by two companions that live nearby.  The husband is thrilled as he's a real dog lover.  The large lab is named Maggie.....she's probably around 2 or 3 years old....and still acts like a puppy.  She's the ring leader....but the little guy with her manages to keep up on his short legs.  He doesn't have a collar so 'the husband' calls him Gigs.

Notice how they greet him.  The husband carries dog biscuits in his pockets so naturally they are eager to say hello.  We can't figure out how they know when we are going to walk.....but more often than not....they come charging up to us somewhere along our route.

We'd love to dog nap the lab.......but maybe we just need to get our own!

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