
Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Well now.....what's this nonsense?  We've got snow again.....and actually it's looking like a Wisconsin blizzard.  I took this photo from my loft studio...through the window.....after our 1+ hr. walk in blowing wind and snow, I'm refusing to go out again today.

Happily though, despite  the appearance, the snow isn't really sticking too much or else these incredible winds are simply blowing the snow into the next state!

1 comment:

  1. Mary, I just read all of the entries you made while we were in Germany. Your blog is a hoot and loaded with info. Found a teeny-tiny but fabulous felt shop in Munich called Deeply Felt (Filze aller Art) with a dynamic website ( I'll have a photo of their front window on my blog sometime this week. I bought 1/8" circles to edge bead for coasters. Yummy! Happy Thanksgiving!
