
Friday, November 14, 2008


Both Thursday and Friday have completely disappeared......oh...where does the time go?

For one thing, our fiber art group, PTA meet at one of our member's home for numerous's a good thing we don't have any major decisions to make.....seriously, we get off topic very easily.

We've been trying to make rules for a group challenge for's not that we don't get's just that this group is so creative, it's hard to pin down a subject, much less the other details that go with any challenge.  BUT......after much giggling and lots of great ideas....we think we have a plan.....will share my quilt when I begin...which should be shortly as our deadline is March.

We always do show and tell.....and I was able to capture a great image of Lynne Harrill's work.  I love her scrappy quilts that are always innovatively pieced and quilted.  

Sadly, for the second time I couldn't get a good image of Kate's's fabulous....if you read this Kate....maybe I can talk you into sharing a jpg with my readers.....

Today disappeared due to yet another doctor appointment in Asheville....gad you'd think we were traveled to another state as long as some of these treks take.  But, while sitting in the doctor's waiting room (which was FULLY occupied when I arrived...thus more time that disappeared while I waited), finally it cleared out a bit and I glanced at this wonderful pattern on the upholstery.  Inspiration can hit anywhere......and hopefully, I will now have more time to explore ideas.

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