
Friday, November 7, 2008


I've been MIA lately due to a teaching trip and the fact that 'the husband' and I spend most of our free time doctoring lately.  Hopefully.....we are back on track.

I've actually been doing some stitching.....but can't share photos as they are gifts......

Thought this wedding invitation was so clever....our son's brother-in-law is marrying a darling gal in Argentina...where they both now live.  The wedding celebration is expected to go into the wee and I mean wee hours of the morning.  Apparently that's the custom.  We would have loved to attend, but neither of our backs could handle that 12+ hr. long plane ride.

What a wonderful way for everyone to have a little part of the happy memories.

1 comment:

  1. Hehehe!!... loved to see you here celebrating with us!!... but I promise I will share all details with photos and stories :)
