
Thursday, October 16, 2008


The husband has been suffering with a really bad back these last few weeks and today he felt confident that he could get behind the wheel for "seat time' (as he calls it) and head out with the other leaf peepers.  It was perfect 'top down' weather.

The reds vibrate in the sunlight.

Here at about 3,200 feet elevation the trees are not quite at prime yet.  Though on our travels today, trees at about 4,100 feet have reached peak, and above that height, many leaves have already fallen.

We drove and drove and drove the curvy mountain roads.....Mr. Grumpy was replaced by Mr. Happy.  Around here BBQ is one of the 4 food groups (a problem for me since I actually don't like it and BBQ restaurants generally just serve BBQ!)  We stopped at Carolina Smokehouse in Cashiers, NC.  It was featured in the first season of Feasting on Asphalt hosted by Alton Brown on the Food Network. 

This is truly a hole in the wall where finding a parking place is difficult because it is so popular. Our entire lunch was under $12.00!  I especially like the limited decor....license plates on the walls and picnic tables outfitted with ketchup and hot sauce...I'm not kidding....that's the sum of this very small place.  But, if you are ever in the area.....ask anyone where it is....they will know.  I picked up their card but there's no address or website listed to share with you.

The husband knows these roads well as he often rides his motorcycle in the area.....since I refuse to get on that death trap I hadn't seen this waterfall before.  Isn't this neat?? can literally drive your car under the falls.

Another one of the many breathtaking water falls.

Kudzu.....there's lots of it covering trees, bushes, even abandoned cars......the road sides outside of Highlands, NC were covered with it.

There's a well known stretch of road in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park called 'The Road To Nowhere'......yes, another ridiculous waste of taxpayers money.  It begins just outside of Bryson City, NC, and you drive this lovely scenic road for about 7 miles and then it just literally stops.  Amazing.

That wasn't quite the end of our day, but it is the end of my photos for today.....however my memories of a lovely day will last a long time.

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