
Saturday, October 4, 2008


Waynesville is the town closest to has a small charming downtown filled with galleries, shops, and restaurants.  These metal sculptures are a recent addition to one corner, sure to become a favorite tourist photo stop.  Neat, wouldn't you agree?

"The husband" and I were to spend the weekend at Road Atlanta for a car race thingie.....but he's been suffering with a bad back for nearly a month and over the last few days it's gotten back enough for a trip to the ER on Fri.  So, as I sit here tonight posting to this blog, we are watching the race on TV.  On the postivie side, today the big guy was a little better & I'm not hunting for a port-a-potty at a race track!

Our community had a blood drive today.  I'm new to donating blood, but it's easy.  I wonder why I didn't volunteer to do this long before now.  

According to the American Red Cross:  One blood donation can help save up to 3 lives.  Only 2% of the eligible US population donates blood.  Every 3 seconds someone in America needs blood.  Donated blood only lasts for 42 days.  You can donate as many as 6 times a year.  Less than 30% of the people who give blood once will ever give blood please seek out a donation center and give the gift of life!

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