
Monday, September 22, 2008


After nearly having heart failure listening on ESPN's Red Zone internet broadcast of the Buffalo game yesterday, and (thankfully) their last 3 second field goal win that keeps us in the suicide football pool.....we joined friends (MI folks by way of WI) for dinner.  

They knew of this authentic Mexican restaurant nearby, that quite frankly doesn't even look open to passersby.  The food wasn't your typical 'chain' Mexican style food...this was the real thing.....I seriously over ate!  

The deco was just right.

However, this little guy wasn't very appetizing, esp. since it was staring at me!

I pulled some fabrics yesterday in the hopes I could work on an idea that has been itching to get made....well, it's fall.....what other colors do you think would inspire?  

My help may be needed with a household task instead (and I thought after washing all the windows last week I was done!)  The back (North side) of our log sided home, after less than 3 years needs attention.  The preservative has washed/worn off and the wood is already getting signs of that needs to be scrubbed off and oiled again.  Unfortunately, we will be doing the scrubbing since it's reachable, but will have to hire out the rest because tall, very tall ladders are involved to apply the coating.

Off for manual labor rather than letting my creative juices flow.....sigh

1 comment:

  1. Love the colours - how about a really dark brown or green to add contrast?
