
Thursday, July 17, 2008


Isn't this internet magic simply amazing??  Someone, somewhere has the answers to almost every question we could pose.  

Charlene another blogger, reports that Cincinnati was once the pork capital of the US.  So, a few years back they started a theme of Flying Pigs.....yes, from the famous motto.  Local area artists were called to paint fiberglass pigs to put outside businesses....., so you'll see a lot of pigs in that area.  Even funnier.....the airport isn't even in's in Northern Kentucky! Apparently the folks in Ohio didn't want the noise or to give up the land for the airport. Considering how airports bring growth to surrounding areas....that was probably a mistake.....

Tx's Charlene for the insight!

I have to go rest down (grinning) stripping wall paper is for younger folks than me....