
Saturday, July 5, 2008


There are little things that happen in one's life that makes you stop and wonder...why now?  That's exactly how I felt as I read the first couple of chapters of Emilie Richards new book "Sister's Choice" that arrived a few days ago.

First of all, I love books, and usually read at least one a week.  Now that I live in the South East, I've been enjoying stories set in this completely new environment.  Her most recent release is another Emilie Richards' Shenandoah Album novels (set in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley.) 

The 4th of July holiday time always leaves me a bit misty since our family lost my twin sister to Leukemia, six years ago on July 2nd.  The book's focus is of two sister's estrangement and their quest to form a bond again.  Naturally, I'm a sap for the sister thing, especially after being a bone marrow donor for mine and learning at that time that we were identical twins!! Considering the timing, frankly, I can't put the book down.

Emilie Richards intertwines quilting throughout this series and features a quilt on the cover. Leisure Arts publishes companion pattern books to enable readers to make their own versions of the quilts in her novels.  

They are well illustrated with lovely photographs, and well written instructions.  Her books are widely available at local book stores, and if you are lucky enough, you might even find Emilie herself, signing books at a quilt show.  Take a break from your sewing room this summer to read this inspiring novel.