
Friday, June 27, 2008


One of the more challenging workshop I lead is a bead embellished felted wool scissors sheath class.  The difficulty is the wide range of speed that students are able to work.  Again, MN winters must allow quilters plenty of time to practice their hand sewing skills because these students sure have high skill levels.

This VERY talented quilter has been sewing since she was 11.....her Mom is co-chair of the show wonder she has the drive and talent to be the first to finish this project in class.

Friendships develop quickly in our quilt world, these best friends were 2nd and 3rd. to finish the project.  Though friendship should never be a race, competition can drive students to let their needles fly!!

I sure hope my students are getting a good nights sleep.....after 3 days of workshops...they need good energy and eye sight for my final beading workshop tomorrow....yet...there's always my DVD and books to help them along their way if I find time snoozing in class.