
Wednesday, June 4, 2008


The Fiber Arts Alliance is an offshoot of the Asheville Quilt Guild.  It meets the first Tues. of each month in Asheville, and is growing by leaps and bounds.  One of its many advantages is the lack of formal business meetings.....its more of a grass roots effort, where the talented members whose work goes far beyond quilting, present programs.  

My pal Judy Simmons, gave a very informative presentation yesterday on printing your own photos onto fabric, using your computer photo edit program and a home printer.  We all learned so much.  

After seeing the eyes of one members sitting near me, grow and grow....I overheard her say, her head was about to explode she was getting so inspired!!!    

Greeting From Glacier Bay is my pitiful attempt using this method.  It was created several years ago in conjunction with one of my Alaska Quilting Cruises.  What's not really visible on this photo is a ton of beads which highlight the printed photo of the glacier.

Judy passed around dozens of samples of images printed on everything from traditional muslin to soil screen (a 'fabric' sold a Home Depot in the plumbing department).  One batch of samples using the same flower image, that she manipulated in photoshop, which changes the look of the flower.

This final photo shows the paper on which the ink remained after Judy printed onto a thin piece of lace.  Again, it was an amazing presentation, that made me want to run to my computer.