
Sunday, June 15, 2008


Ya'd think after living here for two years, we'd be all settled in?  NOT!!  Recently we decided to complete furnishing our lower level which had been home to the 'man cave', but in reality was designed as a 3rd bedroom suite.

That meant getting furniture...yeah!  We need storage in that area and after seeing this pie safe at an antique store nearly 2 months ago, I was thrilled to find it sitting waiting for me when we returned earlier this week.  After getting it home, we decided to switch places with the jelly cupboard we had in our great room instead of putting it downstairs.  This cabinet has lots more room to store DVD's and is candy for my eyes as well....why hide it where I can't see it!

Our lower level contains a room that's quite large, featuring an alcove toward the back that was obviously designed to be the bedroom area.  'The husband' will swear I looked at every wood bed, made by every manufacturer before I found the perfect one.  Pillows, perhaps a different down comforter will be coming soon, as will another end table and lamps.  

My friend Jan Vander Hill made the fabulous friendship star quilt as a sample for me to bead, which was then featured in my book, "Beading Basics".  I was over the moon when she gave me the quilt to keep and I love that it fits so nicely in this space.

The new purchase yesterday as we continued our antique quest was this lovely pine table.  We have a lot of oak pieces, and I do like them, but I'm very partial to pine.

The jelly cupboard was originally in our great room and this too fits nicely into this newly created 'bedroom alcove'.  Basements are not common here, something we are still struggling with since we do seem to accumulate 'stuff'.  So finding furniture with storage is always a goal for me.  The jelly cabinet is perfect for CD's.

We spent years collecting iron register grates, and David spent hours and hours grinding years of paint and grime before repainting them.  We had over 20 different ones hung on the wall behind our freestanding wood stove in our Wisconsin home.  Sadly, the buyers wanted them included as part of the purchase when we sold 2 years ago.  Since real estate sales were already sagging then, we got practical and agreed.  Fortunately, we have several spares and now found a place to display them.