
Sunday, April 6, 2008


Thank you friends for sending birthday wishes my way.....really, I am very touched!

Our darling daughter-in-law Kelly, has a family tradition where in addition to perhaps receiving gifts, they also GIVE gifts on their birthday.  In that spirit, since 'the husband' was scheduled to give blood for our community Red Cross blood drive, I got up my nerve and became a donor for the first time.  It truly can be the gift of life for someone in need.  Frankly, I don't know why I've been such a chicken about it!

As a first time donor, I received a little thank you gift packet.  This is a really nifty insulated lunch sack......but I'll bet sewing tools would fit nicely, and they'd be well protected.

A refrigerator magnet, first time donor pin, and a donation calender were also included.  I was surprised to learn that while only 5% of eligible people actually donate, it's estimated that 95% of us will need blood in our lifetime.

PLEASE consider becoming a regular donor.  Visit the American Red Cross to find a donation center or blood drive near you.

1 comment:

  1. good job on giving blood! It really is so important. I've reached my 4 gallon mark and looking forward to getting to 5, I think you get a pin for that! ;-)
