
Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Karen Combs tagged me!  Tagging is merely a friendly game of cyber-tag, that has become a source of entertainment in the blogosphere.  Be sure to visit my buddy Karen's blog by clicking on her name to see her exciting patchwork illusions quilts.

So, today I've been asked to share seven things about myself that you may not know....heck you may not care either!  I'm asked to tag seven other bloggers to do the same.  

Read on......

1.  I LOVE pizza.  Hey, I'm a quilter....what'd you think the first reveal would be about?  Of course it'd be about food.

2.  'The husband' and I were married 41 years ago (March 10th) -  at the Chapel of the Las Vegas.  We'll celebrate extra this year, since last year we forgot it was a big anniversary!

3.  I am very directionally challenged and hate to drive.

4.  I'm not a night owl.

5.  I enjoy watching what some might refer to as junk TV, such as  Orange County Housewives & the Last Restaurant Standing, Top Chef, Project Runway, and any of the endless real estate shows on HGTV.

6.  Bluegrass is my favorite type of music.

7.  I'm getting addicted to listening to audio books on my ipod.  It makes our twice daily walks seem to go faster.

Many of my pals are quilt professionals who also blog.  I'm sure you'll enjoy visiting their worlds.

Georgia Bonesteel  - An icon in the quilt world!  

Mary Lou Weidman -  Her quilts make you smile.

Jane Sassaman -  I got acquainted with Jane years ago.  We were both members of Facets, a Chicago area invitational art critique group.  Now the rest of the world knows and loves Jane's work.

Gabreille Swain  - An applique artist who can make her needle stand up and take a bow.

John Flynn -  Engineer turned quilter who continues to improve the tools we use, not to mention creating wonderful quilts himself.

Pokey Bolton - The mastermind behind Quilting Arts Magazine.

Melody Johnson - An artist who owns color!  Melody has helped to set the standards for blogging;  consistent posting, great photos, and interesting subjects.

1 comment:

  1. You share an anniversary date with my parents who will celebrate their 71st on Monday.
