
Thursday, March 27, 2008


It may go from cold spring temperatures to summer.....overnight.  Today it got to nearly 70 degrees, time to begin planting!

Yikes....this looks like work to me!

DRAT!!  we purchased two huge saucers to go beneath two really big pots and in the latest round of cold....they cracked.

Last year we had several smaller stoneware crocks, filled with flowers, next to our back door on the back deck.  They looked silly....the scale was way too small.  This year we are featuring large holly bushes instead.


Tomorrow I'm off to spend 2 days with the Foothill Quilters Guild in Shelby, NC.....If the internet gods are with me, I'll be chatting with you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary: Hope you had a great time with the Quilt Guild in Shelby, NC and have returned ready to work away at your gardening. Had the neighbour snowblow my driveway yesterday(6 inches of wet and heavy overnight!) and today it's still cold with snowflurries - yech!
    Still - can't help but result in lots of quiltmaking!!
    Janet in Nova Scotia
