
Sunday, March 23, 2008


It occurred to me this morning that 43 years ago.....yup 43!!! years ago, on Easter Sunday, I got in my twin sister's car (borrowed for the first week of my adventure) and headed off from Sheboygan, WI to Chicago to begin my job with TWA.  I can't get over it.....43 years ago!! 

We had our Easter meal planned for over a week.....why not?  We love good food and take these milestones as reasons for over indulging.  I'd been thinking lamb for days, we took our morning 'forced march' up the mountain road my taste buds turned to Honey Baked Ham 
I listen to an ipod as we walk....makes the workout seem to go more quickly.  We were thrilled about a year ago to learn our favorite Chicago area talk show host, Steve Dahl, now podcasts his morning show. (Subscribe via his website.) 

He's a true radio icon, and no matter what my mood, I'm smiling and laughing within 2 minutes of airtime.  Friday's show turned to talk about Honey Baked Hams and the more he talked about it, plus on air sampling, the more I yearned for it, a credit to his descriptions!  It's on our grocery list you can be sure.

Only a few short years ago in 2004, we celebrated Easter Sunday with our son, his wife Kelly, and 'the husband's sister, Ann Marie and her family.  We had such fun hiding plastic Easter eggs filled with dog treats for the 4 legged attendees.  We adore Nali, our son's first rescue as always it didn't take her long to catch on.....gathering her eggs and popping them open!

Today we celebrated with a quiet day and good food.  Friday morning I married fresh lemon juice, white wine, olive oil, and herbs and boned leg of lamb into a heavy duty zip lock and let the combo marinate in the refrigerator until this afternoon.

David is such an expert at grilling (or as we say in Wisconsin.....'outdoor frying'...whether it's fried or not....all outdoor cooking was called 'outdoor fry")......  We now use a Japanese ceramic grill called a Big Green Egg which can heat up to 700 degrees to sear a steak or 250 to slow cook Pork BBQ.

Can't you just taste this???  It momentarily made me forget the craving I had for ham.


  1. And Happy Easter to you!! I hope you enjoyed your lamb as much as I enjoyed my double-smoked (alas, not honey-baked) ham.

  2. mmm good. what is that green cooker all about? tell me about it. we need a new outside grill. so nice of you to help me. thanks again. paulette
