
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Beading 101

I'll be presenting an introduction to beading at the Fiber Arts Alliance March 4th meeting.  The group, an offshoot of the Asheville Quilt Guild, meets the 1st. Tues. of the month at the Girl Scout building, 64 WT Weaver Blvd., Asheville, NC.,   Noon-1:00 PM is social time/brown bag lunch if desired, followed by a meeting from 1:00-3:00 PM.  There is no charge to join FAA and all interested parties are welcome.   Meeting content varies from show and tell, to demonstrations (usually given by our own members), and other educational activities.

To allow everyone in my workshops to have a front row seat, I use a digital projection system which speeds up the learning process. 

Typically, my beading workshops focus on 'technique' - rather than 'project'.  This is the sampler students create in my 3 hour 'Decorative Beading' class.  Pretty neat stuff that's much easier to do than it looks!

So, why bead???  Here's a BEFORE view of one of my felted wool projects which could be used as a table runner or narrow wall hanging.

Here's the AFTER view.......need I say more?  I much prefer the texture, color, sparkle, and additional pattern the beadwork provided.

1 comment:

  1. Mary,
    Beads are little things that add big impact...they are truly glorious and a lot like potato can never have just one.
    Wishing I lived in the Asheville area to I could become a member.
