
Sunday, January 13, 2008


Tomorrow begins my 2008 travel teaching schedule.  I'm off to Dallas/Ft. Worth to share my work with 4 groups.  Though, of course, I'm always anxious to spend time with other quilters, I'm finding myself getting sentimental about leaving our mountain living.  I hope to be able to post daily during my travels, but if the available internet connections don't work, continue to feast your eyes on the awesome scenery that we are treated to every day.

We live 30 minutes west of Asheville, NC in Crabtree Township in Triple Creek Meadows, which is in Bald Creek Valley.  (Got that??)  The first photo was taken from the lowest part of our development, probably around 2,800 feet elevation.  I love looking at the cloud cover below.  The little creek gurgles along the west side of our property.

We build some pretty nice digs for the lawn tractor!  It's a reclaimed log home (hard to believe anyone could live in this tiny place), that was found in TN.  A local 'fella', built it for us.  I suppose he might call himself a handyman carpenter, to me he's an artist.  We asked him to sign his work.  I was fascinated watching him dry stack rocks for the foundation.

Each morning 'the husband' and I do a 45 min. trek up and back down the mountain road in our development.  The 3 horses along our route know we come bearing apples.  The fence is this feeding task is done carefully by both parties.

Our walk takes us up to this spot, about 4,000 feet elevation (our house is at 3,200)  Beautiful and it will all be waiting for me when I return next Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary: Welcome to blogging - just read my daily Quiltbiz Digest and your announcement that you now have a blog.
    I find reading other peoples' blogs
    so good for my creativity, so I try to make time every day.
    What a lovely area you live in - you mention a development - is it the one that was featured in Early American Life some years ago? What a privilege to come back after travel to an area such as yours!My home area, too is a very lovely one - I'm sure the peace and beauty inform my work!
    Maintaining your own website is not as hard as it looks providing it is set up for you. Learning to blog will prepare you for that!! LoL.I am learning right now and about to launch a new teaching website, and I'm wa-a-y over the hill!
    Janet in coastal Nova Scotia where it is about to start snowing again.
